Jacqueline Hurst Fertility Support Coventry

Jacqueline Hurst Fertility Support BAcC, BA Hons, LicAc 

Founder and owner of Fertility Support, My own fertility journey began in 1985 whilst living in the USA and included years of IUI , 2 IVF failure, 2 miscarriages and then finally, years later to my surprise , a natural conception that so sadly ended in an ectopic pregnancy. I recognised that having a baby is a whole-body event and a holistic approach has ultimately lead to me specialising in fertility acupuncture, Nutrition and counselling, I offer a highly personalised treatment plan to guide you on your journey.

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Qualifications and Conferences


Dr Rina Agrawal  

No Direct contact with Dr Rina Agrawal from this website only by referral via Fertility Support

Dr Agrawal has had 34 years’ experience in Gynaecology and Obstetrics and over 26 years’ experience in Fertility and Assisted Conception.

She is known for her Holistic individualised, integrated and multidisciplinary approach to patient care which focuses not only on her patients’ medical issues but their overall wellbeing and lifestyle factors which is known to impact fertility significantly, Being lucky enough to have met Jacqueline Hurst some ten years ago we have worked collectively through Fertility Support to provide patient with the best possible chance of positive pregnancy, "Jacqueline is one of the best therapists I know in the world of fertility. She is phenomenally well informed about new developments in both medical and complementary advances in fertility treatment, and she is brilliant at her job " 

Rina Agrawal fertility Support Coventry
Ray Cluer Yoga Teacher Coventry


Ray Cluer Yoga teacher and masseur  

Thai massage benefits above all in cases of:
• Stress and stress in the body and mind
• Muscular and joint pains
• Insomnia and nervous tension
• Loss of flexibility or ability to move
• Circulatory problems
The body, free of stress and toxins, is invaded by a sensation of lightness, well-being and mental relaxation.
working to help create a a calmer more focused you, using mindfulness and breathing techniques to relax and some light yoga to re energise when appropriate.

Dr Elias Tsakos

Dr Elias Tsakos (Greece) 

MEDICAL DIRECTOR Embryo Clinic Greece

Dr Elias Tsakos


Extensive, certified training in the United Kingdom.
Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Board Member Representative of the Royal College for Greece and Cyprus.
Board Member of the Hellenic Society of Assisted Reproduction.
Member of the British, European and American Fertility Societies (BFS, ESHRE, ASRM).

About Fertility Support and Embryo Clinic

Melanie Brown Bsc (Hons), mCNHC, mCthA, mBANT

Melanie Brown 
After studying for a degree in Nutri­tional Ther­apy, Mel was the senior nutritionist at a prestigious fertility and pregnancy clinic, designing the nutrition pro­gramme and see­ing thou­sands of clients over the ten years she was there. In 2011 she decided to go out on her own spe­cial­is­ing in pre-conception, IVF and pregnancy nutrition.
Mel has a par­tic­u­lar inter­est in male fer­til­ity, PCOS and endometrio­sis and reg­u­larly works with experts in the field. Mel’s writ­ing appears reg­u­larly in the Sun­day Tele­graph Stella Mag­a­zine as she is the nutri­tion­ist for the Health Q&A page and she is cur­rently mid-study for a Master’s degree in Nutri­tional Med­i­cine at the Uni­ver­sity of Sur­rey which gives her the most up to date evidence-based infor­ma­tion that is so impor­tant for her clients.
Melanie Brown Bsc (Hons), mCNHC, mCthA, mBANT
Jo our phlebotomists


Jo,our lovely phlebotomists has worked in the NHS, she is kind and caring and quickly puts you at ease, we are very lucky here at fertility Support to have a person with such experience as Jo
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