Coronavirus uk

Fertility Support with Jacqueline Hurst

We find ourselves in unprecedented times and a world that has changed beyond recognition since

Covid 19 came, but our focus remains the same, to offer a personalised service tailored to your specific needs whilst observing the strict government guide lines.  We will ask you to call us on arrival

Updated Febuary 2023

below will be required if the covid situation becomes more severe

Temperature check on arrival.

Encouraging thorough hand hygiene.

Maintaining appropriate social distancing

Our PPE is in line with Government guidelines.

We allow 30 mins between patients to sanitise.

We are minimising face-to-face interactions, all initial consultations will be by Skype/Zoom/WhatsApp or by phone

Fertility Support patients only:

Private consultation with our consultant can be arranged for you. All consultation Via Skype/Zoom/WhatsApp or by phone ***

Fertility Support with Jacqueline Hurst

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